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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Company Administration > Configuration >
Helpdesk configurations contain all configurations related to Helpdesk functionalities.

Steps to configure settings

  1. Navigate to Administration Configuration --> Helpdesk
  2. Expand the row to go into the configuration subgroup.
  3. Expand the row for the sub group to get into the configuration rule
  4. Click on the "Pencil Sign" to edit a configuration items.
  5. Enter relevant details.
  6. Save the configuration.

Table 1 : Helpdesk Configurations

Subgroup Rule Functionality
Alias Names (Alias Name is the field or menu labels)


About Me Alias Name
  AltContactNumber.Alias.Name Alt Contact Number Alias Name
  AssignedTo.Alias.Name Assigned To Alias Name
  Attachment.Alias.Name Attachment Alias Name
  Call.Alias.Name Call Alias Name
  Category.Alias.Name Category Alias Name
  Classification.Alias.Name Classification Alias Name
  Comment.AssignedTo.Alias.Name Comment Assigned To Alias Name
  Comment.Reference.Alias.Name Comment Reference Alias Name
  CommentTimeTaken.Alias.Name Comment Time Taken Alias Name
  CostGroup.Alias.Name Cost Group Alias Name
  Costing.Alias.Name Costing Alias Name
  CostRate.Alias.Name Cost Rate Alias Name
  ETC.Alias.Name ETC Alias Name
  Group.Alias.Name Group Alias Name
  LoggedBy.Alias.Name Logged By Alias Name
  LoggedDate.Alias.Name Logged Date Alias Name
  Priority.Alias.Name Priority Alias Name
  Reference.Alias.Name Reference Alias Name
  Status.Alias.Name Status Alias Name
  Subject.Alias.Name Subject Alias Name
  Summary.Alias.Name Summary Alias Name
  User.Alias.Name User Alias Name
  UserDepartment.Alias.Name User Department Alias Name
Case Document Setting Alert.CompanyStatusLine Company status line comment
  Alert.CustomerStatusLine Customer status line comment
Helpdesk.CaseDocumentSetting.FooterNotes Users can enter footer notes. The footer notes are displayed at the end of a helpdesk case
  Logo_Filename Logo Filename (File must be placed inside Contents\Images folder)
  Logo_Height Logo Height
  Logo_Width Logo Width
  Support_Admin_Email Email address for Support calls Administrator
  Support_PhoneNo Phone No for support administrator 
General Setting Call.HoursPerDay Work Hours per Day (used to calculate effort)
HEL.Call.NextNumberMask Next Call Number mask
Survey Survey.Mode Survey mode (Automatic/Manual)